Giant Hershey Kiss Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies



Who would have thought my crazy idea of stuffing a giant Hershey Kiss inside of my cookie dough would turn out so fabulous!  I totally expected the kiss to still be a kiss inside, but it turned into what I like to call a chocolate molten cookie.  The chocolate oozed out like a dream!


Now…. I swiped the giant Kiss from my mom’s house over Christmas Break but I am assuming with Valentines Day right around the corner that you can still find these giant kisses at your local drug stores, grocery stores, Targets etc…  I have spotted them specifically in Walgreens.


Alright enough talking for me, let’s take a look!


2 sticks softened butter

3/4 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup light packed brown sugar

2 large eggs

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

3 cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 1/2 cups chocolate chips

Twelve  Hershey Kisses

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. and line a large baking sheet with parchment or silpat liner.

2. Place butter and sugars in stand or electric mixer beating until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla, beating until well combined.

3. Place flour, salt and soda into a large bowl, mixing to combine. Slowly add to wet ingredients along with chocolate chips. Refrigerate overnight or at least 2 hours.

4. Wrap dough around giant Hershey Kisses leaving tall, do not press dough down. Bake for 15-18 minutes until baked through.  Let cool for 15 minutes before cutting open.

Makes 12 large cookies

*Note:  You can also use regular size Kisses, adjust bake time for 10-12 minutes.





First things first.  The dough I used was chilled overnight.  I suggest doing the same so the cookie holds it’s shape around the kiss :)   My Kiss box is beat up because I swiped it straight from my mom’s, into my suitcase :)   Thanks Mona!!






It’s kinda hard to see how big the kiss really is, so I had my little guy go grab a Lego dude.  Gives you a better idea.  I’d say it’s about 2 1/2 inches tall.






Here we go….cookie dough on the bottom….



Cookie Dough around sides and top.



Seal it up ever so gently and time to bake!



Perfection!  See the tip of the Kiss?  So fun.



Had I waited for the cookie to cool completely I kinda think the kiss would have held it’s shape, however who cares when you have this fabulous milk chocolate running out?!  I only made one giant cookie, but am assuming you could get about 12 giant cookies.  You could use the regular kisses for a smaller, equally as adorable cookie :)   Enjoy!










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