Some Plus Size Fashion Inspiration #2

This is part 2 of Some Plus Size Fashion Inspiration!

so flirty. Curvy is the new black.

Yes, yes and more YAAAAASSSS!! Love this outfit! Lover everything about it EXCEPT for the shoes.

It’s like my eyes went head to toe and when I got to the feet I went “womp womp”

But they aren’t horrible enough to ruin the look.

This is GabiFresh. You can never go wrong with color blocking!!!

Ok let me stop lying…you can go wrong. But she did this oh so right!


Love this! It’s sleek and sexy.

I believe she added the belt and if she did it was the perfect touch!


Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin
   So, the verdict is in, George Zimmerman has been found NOT GUILTY by the jury. I can’t even begin to describe how I feel. Forget all the racial things that have been through into the mix…the fact of the matter is a child is dead. And no one has to pay the price of that. Not even a week will be served in jail time, only a slap on the wrist. He will get his gun back. He will be able to return to his family and friends. It’s almost like saying murder is okay. It all made me fill a certain kind of way about bringing black boys into this world in the future.  SMH. At the end of the day I’ve come to terms with it in my own way. He is not guilty (by Florida law)….but he is not innocent either. One day he will pay for his actions…but no one on this earth will be deciding his fate.
   An interesting post was on my Facebook timeline. A young man went on to say that Zimmerman killed a black man and now for the rest of his life, he will know what it feels like to live as a black man in America. He will feel people stare at him, judging him for what he feels are unfair reasons. He will lose out on getting jobs for something he feels is out of his control. He will believe he is an outstanding citizen and wonder why people choose not to feel the same. People will cross the street when they see him coming. They will call him names. It will drive hims so insane that some days he will want to scream at the top of his lungs…but he will have to wake up the next day, put on a firm look, and push through life. I bet he never thought that by taking a black man’s life that he’d end up inheriting all of a black man’s struggles. Enjoy your “freedom” Mr. Zimmerman.
   With all this being said. I pray for all parties involved. Because of Georgie’s actions, his parents cannot live in a home for more than 6 months, his family and friends receive death threats on a daily basis, a young man is  no longer with us, and a country is once again divided.
   I urge everyone to move forward. Because we cannot begin to heal if we continue to look back. Forgive him. Because he who angers you controls you. But NEVER FORGET! We can not expect a change to occur if we don’t become the change! Especially in the African American community. July 13th will always be marked as a day of injustice in America. We as a nation must come together.

I made this outfit and the accessorizes today in honor of young Trayvon Martin. May the travesty and injustice you died from never happen to another human again. The sad thing is…we all know an action like this will inevitably reoccur. Kiss your loved ones, tell them you love the…stay peaceful, stay prayerful, be encouraged!

H&M slim leg jeans
$45 –

Black leather shoes
$33 –

Lanvin handle bag

AriZona Green Tea 12Pk
$27 –


My natural hair products for the week


The Beautiful Textures line. I’ve used one of their products before.


It’s the curly to straight product but since it’s all humid and gross in Atlanta this week, there will be no straightening for me



Today I used curl control and tangle taming leave in conditioner. And I put ALOT on! My hair is thick (I have 4C hair) and a pretty good length. I’ve twisted my hair and I’m gonna let it air dry. Air drying takes forever for my thick hair so I’ll take them out and wednesday!


I sealed in the moisture with grape seed oil

Oh yea and here’s my growth progress from may 2012 until now



Take Care of Your Scalp!!!

We scrub, rub, and moisturize every square inch of our body, but the scalp tends to get  neglected!!!

scalp treatment



Oatmeal and Olive Oil Mix

Oatmeal is extremely moisturizing. That’s because it has hair-loving B-vitamins which contributes to the  thickening/strengthening of hair. It makes your hair less brittle and more elastic. This is a plus for curly and kinky (or happily nappy) hair types especially since our hair tends to be more prone to damage via simple hair manipulation like combing and using hair bows. Using oatmeal in a hair treatment will make your hair feel silky and soft while you’re washing it, which keeps it from tangling later…and when you wash it out it coats your hair with a film that locks in moisture, which is perfect for me because my hair can get super dry. And last but not least, it makes hair “shine bright like a diamond” (in my Rihanna voice LOL)

How to:

1. Make your oatmeal into a fine powder. Put it in the blender. And NOT INSTANT OATMEAL people lol you don’t want to risk getting visible pieces of it stuck in your hair. Grind ¼ cup (approximately 2 oz) of oatmeal until it becomes a very fine powder. To make sure what you’ve made is fine enough see if 1 tsp will dissolve in 8oz of water. The water should turn a tan color and the oatmeal should not settle at the bottom. If it does, get on the grind ;-)


2. Add ¼ of a cup of powdered (colloidal) oatmeal to an empty pitcher then add 2 quarts of warm water while stirring. Then add 2 tbsp of olive oil and mix. Make sure there are no clumps of oatmeal in the water.


3. Pour the mix into your hair after you have washed and conditioned it making sure to get every strand and even your scalp (especially if you suffer from dry and itchy scalp)


4. Cover you hair with a plastic cap to allow your colloidal oatmeal and water soaked hair to reap all the benefits of the treatment. Let it sit for 10-20 minutes.


5. Rinse thoroughly and enjoy the feeling of beautiful, soft healthy, oatmeal fed hair!


Adding Baking Soda to Shampoo


Adding Baking soda to shampoo gives it a little extra oomph on those days when your hair’s gotten so dirty, it needs some super-strong cleansing. Instead of reaching for a clarifying shampoo – which is more than likely loaded with toxins – just pour about a teaspoon of baking soda into your hand, add your usual amount of shampoo and lather up. You’ll find that the lather is extra rich, and helps your shampoo go a little further. Work it into your scalp with your fingers for a soothing massage. Remember to use a good conditioner after to moisturize.

Brown Sugar and Olive Oil Mix

Now this one I can’t use because this mix is for oily, pore-clogged scalps (and mine are dryIt removes excess oil & impurities, removes dead skin cells, and improves cell circulation


How To:

In a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of Olive oil, 2-3 Tablespoons of Organic Light Brown Sugar, 3 drops of your favorite essential oil (helps invigorate scalp). Add enough sugar to make a thin paste. Do not heat the oil as this will melt the sugar. On dry or damp hair, part and section the hair into 6 or more sections. Clip or twist the hair to keep it in individual sections. Take a scoop of the scrub and apply to scalp, separating hair to reach entire scalp. In a circular motion, slowly scrub the scalp with the mixture for 1-2 minutes. Refrain from scrubbing roughly, as this may lead to irritation. Rise well, then shampoo and condition hair as normal.



Aztec Look

I’ve been really into the Aztec look lately. It’s so cute to me!! What do you guys think??

Aztec Look

H m
$47 –

Pink cami
$9.35 –

London Rebel platform sandals
$50 –

Dooney bourke

Topshop aztec ring

Silver pendant
$7.12 –